For adventure fantasy parody delivered to the Japanese television/home video market, Cyber-Scan Films took production to remote locales in order to follow exploits of a female adventurer who travels to the mountains of Tibet, the jungles of Africa, and the Arabian desert in order to reunite three legendary fertility idols.

As Cara’s perilous journeys draw her across rugged landscapes and into erotically charged affairs she discovers her quest is tied to her father’s mysterious disappearance.

ボムシェルレイダ (Bombshell Raider) was directed by Randolph Scott and stars Lauren Hays (HBO’s Thrills) and Antoinette Abbott (Playboy: Springbreak).

In addition to Japan, the feature film was also released in France, Germany, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, South Africa, Israel, Canada, and the United States—where it was released in an MPAA rated R version perversely entitled Womb Raider.
“Wildly ambitious and salaciously wry…Babelicious!” — DVD

“A small miracle…excellent soundtrack.” — Razor Reel

“High production values, exciting visuals…impressive soundtrack.” — Draculina Magazine

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack now available on iTunes.